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How to Prepare Your Pets for Traveling

How to Prepare Your Pets for Traveling

Are you looking to travel with your pet in the near future? This can be quite the challenge for many people. Luckily, there are some tips and tricks that can help you prepare for bringing your dog or cat on a long car drive (or on some other form of transportation). Call us at South Park Animal Hospital in San Francisco, CA.

Get Your Pets Ready to Travel

There are a few things you can do to make sure that your pet is ready to go on a trip, regardless of how you plan to travel.

Talk to a Veterinarian

If you’re unsure how your dog or cat will do during car or air travel, it’s a good idea to talk to a vet near you to see if we recommend medication that will help your pet deal with motion sickness or anxiety. The oral anxiolytics help reduce the anxiety and stress associated with traveling. Leading to a much calmer trip for you and your pet. Speak to us in advance of your trip.

Research Travel Guidelines

Find out the clear guidelines with this matter well before you’re about to leave. Also, check in with hotels and other public accommodations to make sure you can have your pets on the premises.

Locate the Right Type of Carrier

Your cat or dog will need a carrier that’s in the appropriate size and that has proper ventilation. You want him to be as comfortable as possible while you’re on the road or in the air. Your pet should be on a leash at all times if you’re on a train, plane, or some other public form of transportation. If you have time to plan and your pet isn’t leash-trained yet, do this before your trip.

Microchips and Other Identification

It’s important to have some form of identification on your pet. This can be a simple collar with his name, your phone number, and some other information. Ideally, microchipping your pet for identification purposes is a better alternative. Inquire about microchipping and registering your information at our animal hospital.

Get Pet Care from a Veterinarian at Our Pet Animal Hospital

We at South Park Animal Hospital are a pet animal hospital in San Francisco, CA. We can assist you with your preparation needs for your pet. Reach out to us with your questions and to set up an appointment for your pet. Call us at (415) 523-4404 for pet care.


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