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Preparing Your Pets for Halloween

Preparing Your Pets for Halloween

Halloween can be an exciting time for humans – children and adults alike. However, there is one family member who won't be equally thrilled – your pet. Think about it: their humans are wearing scary masks and makeup, and strangers are constantly coming to the door. Those who go trick-or-treating with their humans are exposed to even more. Then there's the candy to keep them away from. So, what's a pet owner to do? Dr. Pal at South Park Animal Hospital in San Francisco shares some important tips below.

Tips for Halloween

•             Spend some time exercising your pets before trick-or-treating begins. This will help drain some of their energy.

•             Consider putting your pet in a room with the door closed while trick-or-treating is in progress. Be sure to leave them with plenty of food and water, as well as toys to keep them occupied. Using a white noise machine, television, a loud fan, or something similar can help mask the noise of the doorbell and your various visitors.

•             If you have a doorbell, it might be best to disconnect it for the night.

•             If you have any outdoor pets, bring them inside for the night. If you prefer not to do this, look for an animal hospital near you that offers boarding.

•             Sitting outside to pass out candy can prevent doorbell ringing or knocking. If you don't want to sit out there all night, you can always leave a bowl on your porch.

•             Daycare at an animal hospital is always an option, especially if they had a negative response in previous years.

•             For those who prefer to take their pets trick-or-treating, keep them on a leash. This is as much for your pet's safety as the safety of others.

•             Keep all candy out of your pet's reach and spend some time the next day picking up any wrappers that might have been dropped around your property. This will prevent a frantic internet search for pet urgent care or a veterinarian near you if they ingest anything they shouldn't.

Contact Our Veterinarian in San Francisco, CA

If you're concerned about your pet this Halloween or suspect they've ingested candy, call our South Park Animal Hospital team at (415) 523-4404. If you're not in the San Francisco area, search for a vet near you or a pet urgent care facility for local assistance.


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